Finished floor Comparison- Dining room

The picture says it all.  The floors turned out fantastic.  Now we must finished the baseboards and walls. We will be living in the house in 5 more day – still without a kitchen.  I will protect these floor like a maniac.  I am going to buy The cardboard roll stuff, called Ram Board, show below, while we paint and work on various other things.

I am super pleased with the color and finish.  Here’s a close up look at the living room.


Sneak Peek

So our floor guy has started on the house.  He has sanded two bedrooms, and like a kid I can’t wait to show the improvement.

The first bedroom has some damage on the floor from someone moving furniture, but it will barely show once the stain is applied.

In our bungalow, like most all bungalows from this time period (1923)  the upstairs floors are all pine and the first floor is oak, except the kitchen which is maple. We are not doing the kitchen this time around, as bigger changes for the kitchen are planned in the future.

Here is the before shot of bedroom one: (sorry it’s blurry I didn’t have my glasses with me at the time)

” Where are my glasses? ” <- I say that a million times a day.

before bedroom 1

They spilled paint all over the place, and I really can’t say what else the prior people did to this poor floor.

Here is the the same floor sanded:

bedroom 1 sanded

You can see the marks but, they do not concern me.  It’s a small room.  Once it is furnished, it will look fab.

Bedroom two, on the other hand, looks like brand new wood.  It’s just about perfect.  See below.

bedroom 2 sanded

We will be picking stain(s) today or tomorrow and hope to be back in the house in about 8 days.  I am not sure whether the upstairs will be as dark as the first floor, different wood and all.  I am leaning on making it lighter upstairs (?)  I am still pondering this, so any opinions are appreciated.  I don’t know much about stain on pine, other than it takes it up differently.  For me, that knowledge isn’t very descriptive of the final look…

With this work being done we are out of the house, and slowly waking up to the huge job of picking and choosing what will find a spot in  the house and what items we will just let go.    I am picking from items that I have saved through the entire downsizing process.  This is the final cut if you will, who will get chopped?

Less is more…….I keep telling myself.

“My journey to living better with less.”


Dining Room – before

This is the dining room. As you can see the floors need a total overhaul.  But the leaded cabinets are in great shape.  These windows look out onto the back yard.

We have chandelier that we bought at a estate auction while we were living in the Dallas area.  It’s circa 1930’s and it has been in every home we owned since then, so as soon as it is in, the house will feel more like it’s ours.

Even if I wanted I new chandelier I don’t think I could bare to change something that has been a constant in our lives.

At least not yet.

I actually like the chandelier that is in the photo. I may be able to paint it and re-purpose it.  That would be a huge win.